Crisis will reveal what you do not deal with yourself. The people who have built a measure of success but they didn’t earn and never dealt with the issues that lie deep within. Those things ALWAYS come out in crisis. Don’t be these people – invest today and reap a harvest in due time.
I’ve seen this a lot with friends. I’ve seen this a lot with clients. I’ve seen this a lot on social media….
I do not have to tell you that the world has had a bit of a sh*t time for the last six month, at least. The world has been in a timid space. We have collectively been standing on a landmine.
Maybe you are the kind of person who has not paid any attention to this pandemic, buried your head in the sand, and perhaps you ignored some or all of the rules. But I think you have an obligation to listen to what has become of the world climate becasue if you don’t you will become tone deaf. You will become irrelevant. There is no doubt about it.
This crisis has or will reveal what you have not already dealt with yourself. Any crisis will reveal the baggage you are carrying around.
The world is not going to change. The world is as it is. Every decade or two we have these Black Swan events, these crises, that pop up and what you see is the dismantling of people who have built a message of success – however you define success – but they did not earn it.
They did not deal with the sh*t that they went through as a child or as a young adult. It is mindboggling that you can have any level of influence, that you can have anyone pay attention to you, with this darkness inside of you that you never actually dealt with.
You will see it come out, when people are squeezed, when there is a little bit of pressure that is thrust upon a person. They begin to show the world ALL of the things that they never actually dealt with.
You will have full grown adults begin to cry – not that there is anything intrinsically wrong with crying – not because anything is wrong. You have full grown adults begin to cry because they have this massive insecurity fear,
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Post COVID-19: What the new ‘normal’ looks like
COVID-19: Five Reasons to Feel Optimistic
Do you know how many people have been successful despite fear and insecurity and chronic imposter syndrome that they carry around? You do not want to be this person.
The inner work to heal yourself, the inner work to deal with the things in your life that have bothered you, it is worth taking the time to sit down, slow down and unpack these things.
I can honestly tell you that there is nothing in my world, there is nothing in my history, there is nothing in my life that bothers me that I do not have awareness around why. That I do not have awareness of what I do or did to contribute to the situation.
Maybe this only applies to a select few. Maybe this does not apply to everyone. But if you follow me here, you do so because you want to develop the resilience and resolve of a champion. You want to develop the mental and physical acuity and sustenance to push through obstacles that may show up.
The greatest drive that you should have for right now is to think back on the moments in your life that you felt that you were not enough. Think back to moments in your life that made you angry. Think back to the moments in your life that you felt like you had a disadvantage or that other people did not believe in you, and deal with those moments.
The success you get from having a chip on your shoulder is not real success. It is not sustainable success.
What good is it if you do not take pride in the process. What good is achievement if you are not fulfilled as a by-product of that achievement.
I made a decision about five years ago that I was not going to stay frustrated at y inability to climb the mountain. I was not going to allow my achievement to be, ‘I am going to prove everyone wrong’. I had to become healthy. And so do you.
If you do not get your mind right, then eventually a crisis will pop up and it will reveal to the world, expose to the world what you are not willing to deal with yourself.
Take some time. Go back to the dungeon and deal with where you came from. Make yourself mentally and physically healthy.
Nothing you achieve from a place of unhealth is worth it.
Yours optimally,