
Don’t Be A Fly. Be A God.

Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to walk away from it. Get some distance and take a wider look. This is counterintuitive for Type A personalities who generally just bash away at it, all day.

The Fly Analogy

Have you ever seen a fly trying to fly through the glass of an open window or door? It will keep banging up against the glass. Banging. Banging. Banging. Hitting the glass, over, over and over again.

That is how the fly’s tiny brain is wired. Fly toward the light. Fly toward the sky. The fly cannot get to the sky.

All the fly has to do is fly a few inches to a few feet sideways, and they would find the gap; the way out. But they can not process that.

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How often are you that fly?

How often is there a more removed, aerial view or perspective that you lack? How often are you missing a viewpoint that some god sitting on a cloud, like you above that fly, could look at your problem and say,

Oh, you idiot. You just need to move a little bit in that direction and your problem is solved

The fly can not do it.

You must think,

Well, what am I not seeing?

Now, that may be a paradoxical question because, like the fly, you can not see what you can not perceive.

But if the fly flew away from the window. It could see the gap, and would fly straight for it.

Go back to first principles. Look at the whole thing from a higher level. Take an aerial view. Sit yourself up on the cloud and take Zeus/Allah/Jehovah’s perspective.

This will get you out of the trenches and help you solve the problem.



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