On the other side of the things you don’t want to do is a reward that you’ll never get if you don’t push through. Everything that I have is a product of me pushing through something difficult and obtaining a moment of what I want on the other side. Nothing worth having is free. Get to work.
I do not know if you have ever had one of those days and you are just not feeling it. I do.
I am not really a morning person. I often wake up and do not want to get out of bed. I can stay tucked up for hours. I love my sleep.I love my job but when my alarm goes off, I love my bed more.
Often, if I have not gotten a workout in, I may not want to go to the gym at the end of the day. And see the comment above in reference to morning workouts.
Some mornings or days, your discipline has a moment where it wants to give in to the pressure. At these points you have to change your mindset and think one thing.
I have been here before. I have been through these moments, these crossroads. I have been in a position where the last thing that I want to do is the one thing that I really need to do. The last thing I feel like doing is what is necessary for me to navigate forward.
People always want to know the short cut. They will ask, ‘What is the one thing that changed/you did…’ As if there is one thing. That is ridiculous. But I understand that the want to replicate it.
The thing that I have to keep in mind is that, if I look back over the last five to seven years, the one thing that kept me progressing was that I kept doing the last thing that I want to be doing in that moment. What I decided to do was the last thing I wanted to do.
When I look back over my greatest achievements, they came by putting in an infrastructure of consistently doing the things that are hard and I do not feel like doing. If you wake up every morning and you feel like going to work, you might be a freak. I have a strong work ethic and I will work several jobs at the same time, give up my weekends to work, but I do not always feel like doing it.
The idea that one day will arrive where you do not have to do the things that you do not want to do is a pipe dream. It is silly. No high achiever ever made it to there.
The only people who do not do anything they do not want to do is those that are a drain on, not contributing to, our society.
Always, every single time, on the other side of what you do not want to do is something that you really want to have. There is going to be an achievement, an accomplishment or an award that is only possible because you did the right thing, and you probably did not feel like doing it at the time. Nothing worthwhile is possible without struggle.

Whatever you are going for, whatever you want to achieve, is possible but you can not achieve it without doing things that are uncomfortable.
People fail, not because there dreams are too big, but because their reasons are too small. What they want is too much of a struggle. Not because they are not worthy of it, because we are all worthy of anything we work to achieve. It is because they could make it through day 1, 2, 3 4, and 5 but they can not make it through day 37… or day 137.
They can not be consistent with the little things that they do not feel like doing. Your life is not going to be a highlight real.
Do the little mundane things that you do not feel like doing and you will have the moments that you dream to have.
Yours optimally,