We all want to increase our health and happiness.
Here is an easy five step process that you can do today to improve both immediately…
1. Walk into a gym.
Derrrrr! We all know exercise is good for you!
2. Lock your phone and all other devices in a locker.
Then walk back out and never access social media again!
No, just kidding.
Though even Facebook agrees that social media can be bad for your mental health
3. Do some resistance or interval exercise.
It does not matter if it’s machines, free weights, calisthenics (body weight exercises) or a combination of all the options.
It does not matter if it’s heavy strength training, metabolic conditioning, primal movements, Pilates/abs/mat work, hypertrophy or any other goal driven activity.
It does not matter if it’s on your own or in a class but a class may be better – see below.
Do not do long slow distance cardio. Certainly not on an electronic treadmill or other machine.
Rowing ergometer high intensity intervals are fine.

4. Alternate between exercising and rest every 30 seconds to 5 minutes.
During the set it should be fairly easy to stay present and focus on the task at hand.
During the rest period, I mean really rest. Your body and your mind.
Don’t spend this rest period thinking about all the stressors in your life.
Stay present and mindful.
If you are going hard enough, you won’t have to try to not think. You will be entirely present focussing on your breathing and the sweat angel you are leaving on the floor.
If you are not gasping for air, or changing the weights you are lifting, look around at other people. Be present.
If you catch the eye of someone else in the gym/class, not just the hottie, smile at them. They’ll likely smile back.
This is why you need to go to a communal exercise space. This will not work exercising in your own home or space.
Being around other people makes us feel better. Especially when everyone is working to achieve a goal, whether that is the same goal or not.
5. Do this for 20 – 60 minutes.
Anecdotally, 20 minutes is a good minimum time to engage in any mediatatiove practice, and a good amount of minimum time to keep your heart rate elevated to achieve some health goals.
Over 60 minutes and you run the risk of starting to produce the stress hormones cortisol and that will be counter productive to your health and happiness – chronic stress being the opposite of what we want to achieve.
That is it.
I guarantee if you do that you will have improved your health and happiness when you walk out of the gym, and should stay that way for the next 24 – 72 hours.