You are not stuck

You Are Not Stuck: Take Control of Your Life and Lead You Best Life

Your identity or situation is not fixed or static. It’s always moving – forward or backward. You are never stuck in any situation that you don’t want to be in. How does the person that you want to be act? How do they treat people and show up every day? Start becoming that person today. You’re not stuck.

Sometimes the things that we know and need to be reminded of are more important than the things that we do not know. Read that again… I’ll wait…

So how about I remind you of something that you should already know?

Some people think that they are stuck in a version of their life that they do not want; they do not like; they do not enjoy, and they want to escape. They feel stuck but… they are NOT stuck because any one reading this being stuck does not make any sense.

We have the internet and transport. We have upward mobility. We have connectivity.

We have these things that have transpired since pretty much the Industrial Revolution and accelerated since World War II and the Informational Revolution that give us all mobility. You are no longer stuck in the Feudal system where you have to live and operate at a level far beneath you potential. In fact, if you are reading this, you have a connection to the internet so you are given everything you ever need to succeed.

You do not need to be who you have always been. People think they have this identity and it is fixed and static. I see this most in the people in Britain who identify as being Working Class. But your identity is not fixed. It is dynamic and variable and volatile. It is always moving to and fro.

The only thing constant in this world is change.

You are always moving forward or backwards. You are not stuck in a life you do not want to be in. Sometimes you just need a healthy reminder to take control of your life.

When you do out into your day and start interacting with individuals, you have to constantly think about who you want to be, what is it that you want to have and how is it that that person, who is deserving of the things you want to have, treat other people and themselves.

How does that person get in their car in the morning? How does that person interact with colleagues? How does that person get in their car in the morning? How does that person treat their friend and family, especially the friends and family who do not believe in them?

You have to maintain this vision of who you want to become at all times. Any time you do not have the ideal person who you are destined to become, who you want to become, who deserves to have all the things that you deserve to have in mind, you are at risk of sliding backwards and being stuck in an old identity.

Sometimes it is something simple as waking up when you said you were going to or going to the gym because you said you were going. It is the promisie that we make to ourselves that are in line with the person that we want to become.

You are not stuck in the mud
You are not stuck in the mud

You are not stuck. You are not fixed. You have upwards mobility. You have the option to change your life for the better.

It may not always look how you thought it would look. It will not always happen as fast as you would like it to happen.

Remember that time is your greatest friend or your greatest enemy but that depends on you and what you are willing to go out and take control of today.

Yours optimally,

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